Going Farther by Vahen King is a Christian-centered personal memoir that will inspire and move you.
Here are some basic facts about this personal memoir:
- Author, Vahen King, was certainly in the prime of her life and recently engaged when she lost her health and independence from a random virus called transverse myelitis
- The virus left her paralyzed from the chest down and confined to a wheelchair.
- Questioning her core beliefs and doubting the existence of God, she followed a path that almost destroyed her life and marriage.
- Additionally, she felt alone and thought no one could possibly understand how she felt.
- She often pondered, “How did I get here?” but later realized that being a wheelchair is not a limitation. Going Farther is her inspirational faith-centered story.
Excerpt from Going Farther by Vahen King:
“I have learned from my own experience that you don’t actually have the power to control your life. The sudden onslaught of a paralyzing medical condition was a major contradiction to my “own power.”
In my recovery process there definitely was a role I had to play. However, as I rediscovered my relationship with God, He showed me that I can only go so far in my own strength.
With Him I could go farther than I ever hoped or imagined if I let go of my fear. Every day I had to make tough choices, and the way I responded to my choices determined whether or not I could go farther.
My new perspective allows me to look ahead with great expectation. I am thankful to God for all my happiness and success. It is because of Him I am facing my fears and going farther.”