Mennonites Gone Wild



Ruth Falkโ€™s memoir, Mennonites Gone Wild is a personal journey through the lens of Mennonite marriage with pornography addiction and divorce that will inspire others to heal from sexual, emotional, and religious betrayal.

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Are you in a Christian marriage that includes pornography addiction, sexual dysfunction, or infidelity?

If you answered โ€œyes,โ€ this book is for you.

Mennonites Gone Wild by Ruth Falk is a personal memoir centred on Mennonites, porn-addiction, marriage, faith, betrayal and healing.

In her insightful interviews with other Mennonites with sexual dysfunction, pornography addiction, infidelity, and religious trauma, the author realizes that they share one thing in common – their belief in God is often challenged and questioned.

Through her own lived-in experiences and the testimonies of others, she shows us how those betrayed in Mennonite marriages and relationships can re-write, re-claim, and redeem what has been lost. She not only points out the fallacy in our thinking, feeling, and living a Mennonite Christian life, but also offers an alternative accessible and holistic way of living.

Her book encourages others to permanently remove painful feelings from their pasts by re-defining, re-discovering, and realigning their bodies, minds, and souls with a source more significant than us.

Instead of reliving and resigning from the past, she inspires others like her to move forward while having fun in their love lives and learning to trust again!


Excerpt from Mennonites Gone Wild by Ruth Falk:

โ€œFor our marriage to heal, all the anger, emotions, and thoughts towards his Mennonite belief, and upbringing needed to be brought to the light first. I too had to face my painful past. We were both too naive and blinded to see that our past has anything to do with our current marital problems.

We just blamed each other to the death of our marriage bed until we exhausted all options. Well, I was exhausted, and he was often resentful and avoidant. Needless to say, it became silently toxic and energy sucking.

I believe pornography addiction must be understood deeply by studying the path of the addictโ€™s emotional development. We may not understand the effects in its entirety because they are hidden.

To minimize and simplify the effects of pornography use, we only cope with it. Looking for a quick fix of pornography? This book is only a good start. How long did you take to develop this habit into an addiction? Addiction is usually decades old or even generations old.

This instant gratification is an addictive mind set, which North Americans are very good at. We have all the gadgets, and tools to numb our pain. We have money, cars, gambling, women, food, sugar, drugs, vices, sex, porn, and social media. We, as a society, are living in a giant numbing station. We are good at it, and we pay thousands of dollars to avoid therapy and healing.

Instead, we buy a motorcycle, sex, fancy things money can buy, and a lottery ticket while drinking away our emotional pain. In fact, the emotional wounds are hidden in the past to brutalize your present experiences. These things drain your bank account and energy while hurting your brain and body.

They will not heal or change your emotional health. It is time to normalize in investing in high level coaching sessions or therapy sessions to fix emotional problems once and for all instead of reaching for an expensive quick fix.โ€

To learn more about the author and her work, visit here

Weight 528 g
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.81 in


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