Momma had a Purple Nose!



For family, however that may look.

Sheree McKewan’s book written to help her children deal with the effects of Cerebral Palsy in her life.

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SKU: 978-1-927588-40-6 Category: Tags: ,

I wrote this book to help my children deal with the effects of Cerebral Palsy in my life. This became more and more important to me as it became apparent that my disability was having significant effects on their lives as well as mine. I wanted to be the best that I could beโ€”for them. When I fell short of what they needed, as parents often do, I had to learn to trust God and to feed on His faithfulness. My hope is that now that as they too are parents, I can inspire them to do the same. ~Sheree McKewen~

See Richard Lefebvre’s interview with Sheree for AMI

AMI at PageMaster
AMI media at PageMaster reporting on Sheree McKewen’s book Momma had a Purple Nose.

Read Cam Tait’s article for the Edmonton Sun

Edmonton Sun article on author Sheree McKewan













Visit Sheree’s author website


Weight 170 g
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.06 in


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