My Ten Year Investigation of the Mormon Church



My Ten Year Investigation of the Mormon Church by Glenn Gray is a read that answers many questions! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly referred to as the Mormon Church) is an institution both complex and perplexing.

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SKU: 978-1-77354-2638-8 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

My Ten Year Investigation of the Mormon Church by Glenn Gray is a read that answers many questions! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly referred to as the Mormon Church) is an institution. Both complex and perplexing. Their original founder and prophet Joseph Smith is a controversial figure. His Book of Mormon is itself the subject of much literary controversy. Opinions vary from him and his book being directly and divinely inspired of God. There were others who claim that he was a complete and utter fraud.

This book represents my personal attempts as an โ€œearnest investigatorโ€ to comprehend this diversity of opinion and thus represents my own feelings and decisions regarding this dichotomy. Whether you are a practising Mormon, a confirmed sceptic, or someone merely considering an investigation of the Latter-day Saint Church this book will aid you in coming to some conclusions of your own.

For more information on Glenn Gray and his books, visit

Glenn Gray

101 English Expressions

Weight 148 g
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.25 in


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