Secrets, Lies & Rodeo



In Secrets, Lies & Rodeo by E.M. Schumacher one woman leads the reader through her own inevitable struggles and those of her misfit colt, Rodeo, while she shares stories about her neighbours and friends and occasionally spills a secret or two.

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About Secrets, Lies & Rodeo by E.M. Schumacher

Living near a sleepy satellite town allows for country living, horsing around and getting to know the locals. But what you see on the surface isn’t always what you get.

In Secrets, Lies & Rodeo one woman leads the reader through her own inevitable struggles and those of her misfit colt, Rodeo, while she shares stories about her neighbours and friends and occasionally spills a secret or two.

But there is one secret that she must not give up. When heartbreak and tragedy strike, that last deeply hidden secret finally comes to light. Then too, so do all the lies that nearly destroy the family closest to her heart, along with the life of the only woman who might be able to hold them all together.

About The Author

E.M. Schumacher has lived in four provinces in Canada and is now enjoying life in rural Alberta. As a horse owner she couldn’t help but to notice that life in the “horse ‘burbs” seemed much the same no matter where she lived. That’s why this story is set in a fictional town near an unnamed city. And why it includes a cast of characters much like the people who might have met in those ‘burbs not so very long ago.

Weight 349 g
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .52 in


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