Setting Democracy Straight



Five petitions are the core solution presented in this book. Added to the constitution and practiced they will achieve a new level of real democracy.

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l. The way the Canadian political System is operating today and yesterdayโ€™s is the rolling of dice and immune system for the politicians and the very rich and debt and poverty and enslavement for the rest of our society and this what is being demonstrated daily in front of our very eyes and will never set democracy right.

2. The News Media is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the country: Their hands are tied where secrecy rules. And the racket goes on!

3. Mackenzie King had political facts for creating the richest society where peace, love and compassion rules and money would be a ticket of exchange for goods and service and not a debt shop and wars.

4. Canada has wonderful educators in all fields in society to setting democracy straight and it is time we set ourselves to the challenge.

Five petitions are the core solution presented in this book. Added to the constitution and practiced they will achieve a new level of real democracy. In signing the petitions, and affirming its principles, and having it added to the constitution of Canada, is the only means and way and hope, to remove us from the slavery of you, me, your children, and the people of Canada that usurped our Federated Country by an unseen hand that controls governments and enslaves people.

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Weight 150 g
Dimensions 9.25 × 6.25 × 0.25 in


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