Shake the Dust



Shake the Dust by Rodney Fortin is about living the Christian life and the struggle to break out of the weakness of our earthen state and ascend into the glorious power of our heavenly position.

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Don’t be mislead by the title of the book! In reality, Rodney Fortin’s Shake the Dust is about living the Christian life and the struggle to break out of the weakness of our earthen state and ascend into the glorious power of our heavenly position.

Rodney invites you on a journey with him to explore the higher life of what it means to break out of our present weakness and into the power of a supernatural existence with God.

There are things that every believer must overcome that cause us to become powerless, grounded and ineffective for the Kingdom life. Without the proper understanding of the desire of God for His people to live higher, we open ourselves to the attack of the enemy. This book will empower you answer the call that beckons us from heaven to go higher and Shake the Dust.

Weight 121 g
Dimensions 5.25 × 8 × .2 in


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