Teach the kids Fruits and Vegetables – Bar caruurta ilmaha, dhalaanka waxa afkooda Hooyo lagu yidhaa Khudrada



An English/Somali Bilingual fruit and vegetable book

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Lama odhan karo oo keliya waa Buugg Caruureed ee dadkii waaweynaa ayaad moodaa in uu Af-Soomaaligiiba u gooyey dadkii qurbaha ku raagey kuwaasoo mararka qaar uu kuuba goโ€™ynayo erayda qaar marka aad eegto sawirada qaarkood wixii Af-Soomaali lagu odhan jirey taasoo keentey in aan Buuggan bilaabo haddii kale uu Af-Soomaaliguba lumayo. Markaa waa Buugg isugu dhafan Af-Soomaali iyo English.

One night I was reading my daughter a childrenโ€™s picture book and at the same time translating it in to Somali language. Some of the words I could not come up with in Somali language, so I made Teach the Kids Animals, and then Teach the Kids Fruits and Vegetables.

Weight 62 g
Dimensions 5.75 × 6 × .2 in


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