Edmonton City Dairy (E.C.D.) was one of the big four dairies in Edmonton. Over the years there were many dairies in Edmonton that delivered milk on retail routes to local residents. From my searches of city directories at the Edmonton Public Library, material at the City of Edmonton archives and the provincial archives, and other sources, I have identified about 144. Most did not have milk bottles with names on them. A few had milk bottle tops with their names on them. To date in my collecting experience, I have seen actual artifacts for only a small percentage of Edmontonโs dairies. Bottles and other items can frequently be found for E.C.D., Northern Alberta Dairy Pool, Woodland (and its successor, Palm), and Jasper Dairy. The bottles of these four dairies, both embossed and with coloured labels, make a very interesting collection. But the most interesting and varied of the bunch are the bottles of E.C.D. The description of the bottles and other collectible items in this book are based on samples that I have been fortunate to accumulate in my own collection, or that I have specifically viewed in other collections. I welcome comments and further information from others who have other bottles and artifacts that I have not seen. The purpose of this 3rd Edition of The Milk Bottles of E.C.D.โ is to update collectors on the following matters relating to E.C.D. bottles and other E.C.D. artifacts and to consolidate all of the newโ E.C.D. bottle and artifact information in one place.
- Changes and corrections to bottle group 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 notes to confirm the correct designation for bottles made by Travis Glass.
- To include information regarding bottle groups 11A, 16A and 17A that have been described in Milk Bottles of Alberta, Volume 1 and its supplements.
- To include photos of a variety of artifacts added to my collection since 2004.
I trust that collectors will enjoy this new edition of the E.C.D. Collector’s Guide.