Triumph Through Trials



In โ€œTriumph Through Trialsโ€ Harry, formerly Poppa in โ€œPoppa Finds Peaceโ€, learns to stand strong in his faith in Jesus through stress at work, a chronic illness diagnosis, and possible loss of a special friend.

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Readers of “Poppa Finds Peace” by Isabel Didriksen have asked what happened to him next. Come along and find out in its sequel, “Triumph Through Trials”.

Harry (formerly Poppa) arrives in a new town with different situations that test his faith in Jesus. “Help, Lord!” becomes his recurring prayer when faced with a medical issue, new job or a relationship. He learns that Jesus can be trusted in all circumstances and that He walks with him throughout every day. Harry’s story is an inspiration to persevere in your faith journey with Jesus.

Excerpt from “Triumph Through Trials” by Isabel Didriksen:

HARRY opened his eyes to bright sunlight trying to shine through the grimy, fly-specked window. Good mornin’, Lord! Thank you for a new day! He threw the thin blanket aside, sat up and rubbed his disheveled hair, grabbed his socks from the chair and pulled them on. Then he remembered his conversation with Mable the evening before. “We don’t have any more work for you, Harry. Sorry, but you’ll have to leave.” Where was he going to go? Mable had said she would give him a ride to town, but what then? A small knot formed in the pit of his stomach.

Being homeless this time was going to be a much different experience. There would be no alcohol to numb the loneliness, no ‘bros’ to offer another drink. He thought about his friends back at the shelter, but he hadn’t talked to them for many months. They had been very good to him; had put up with his failures and disappointments, but somehow, he felt he needed to move on. He was almost fifty years old and he had wasted too many years feeling sorry for himself or telling people they were to blame for his problems. It was time to make some decisions for himself, and to follow God’s will for his life.

Weight 225 g
Dimensions 5.25 × 8 × 0.42 in


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