Lori Anne Youngman

Artist Lori Anne Youngman

Lori Anne Youngman

Painting for Canadian, Christian artist Lori Anne Youngman is a conversation that often continues long after the painting is completed. She invites her audience to join that conversation. From this place of deferred judgement, she invites us to wonder, “What do I see?”

Lori’s choice of the abstract expressionist style is deliberate. She desires to allow the expressive marks to remain indistinct, non-representational and open to interpretation, much like cloud gazing. Lori creates space for the viewer to be free to explore the view and find themselves within the conversation.

Here you will find her work available as prints, journals and cards. There are also book projects she provided cover art for or collaborated with. Her site is https://LoriYoungman.ca

Facebook: Lori.Youngman.Artist

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