Susan Farrow Milner

Susan Farrow Milner is a professional artist with over thirty years of
experience creating watercolour and acrylic paintings. She has exhibited in
group and solo gallery shows in various cities across Canada and has been
a keynote speaker at conferences. Her uplifting paintings are beautiful,
symbolic and thought provoking. She approaches each painting with a well-researched theme and often includes an insightful description with each work. Her narrative style and focus on art with a message made the crossover to illustrator and author of children’s books a natural fit.
She began the journey to publication eight years ago with the goal of
inspiring youth through an adventure story set within a difficult reality.
Motivation came from her own enjoyment of books, love of children, the
experience of homeschooling her two daughters and her own upbringing.
Susan believes children are capable of deep emotion and some complex
thinking even at a very early age. Whether writing or painting Susan strives
for excellence and finds great joy when her work touches others.
Susan resides in Edmonton and received her Bachelor of Art Education
from Queen’s University.
For more about Susan visit her website