Dark Clouds On The Horizon



Dark Clouds On The Horizon by Roger Lambert tells the heart wrenching story of the people of Acadia and their struggles with preserving their land and culture in the face of conflict brought on by newcomers.  The third book in a trilogy of stunning historical fiction!

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SKU: 9781773541198 Categories: ,

About Dark Clouds On The Horizon: Acadia’s Future by Roger Lambert

Things were being disrupted in this mystic place called Acadia. The newcomers were changing things. They were not happy with one another and they wanted to take away the magic of being, loving and sharing. They wanted to make and call things differently. There was Nova Scotia, New France and New England. These were places of discontent. Acadia was about Family, Love and Happiness.

Were these English people to destroy what was contentment? Could they not find peace and love?

Weight 528 g
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .80 in


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