These devotions are a result of some powerful back and forth experiences of the author since she thought, at age 10; “Maybe this Jesus will love. Me.”
When she was 34, Pastor Terry McComb taught her that it is Jesus living in her who provides power to overcome temptation and sin. It was the beginning of staying with God on a tumultuous course to freedom. He loves and keeps her through an abundance of bad and good times.
Reviews of It’s ALL About JESUS: And Knowing Him Better by Marie L. Bourdeau:
This is a wonderful testimony of a woman who overcame heartbreak and tragedy through her amazing faith and trust in her Heavenly Father. I was sad, shocked, laughed and cried. It was a hard to put the book down.
– Judy WeskiMy friend, Marie, has a way with words to draw you right into her heart’s journey. You will find yourself becoming aware of the throbs and needs of your own experience. As she shares openly, your soul will be drawn to the One who loves you unconditionally. And who can and will remove your scars and heals your wounded spirit!
– Miss Y.
Former Residence Dean
Burman University