Lumba Poetry: Waves of Change



LUMBA POETRY: Waves of Change by Barbara Flett is a poetry collection consisting of more than 35 gratitudinous poems.ย  โ€œLumbaโ€ is of Zambian (Southern African) origin and denotes thankfulness and praise.ย 

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It is the hope of the author, Barbara Flett, that LUMBA POETRY: Waves of Change will inspire each of us to take a little time each day to be thankful for the blessings in our lives, no matter how large nor small they are.

The book is a poetry collection consisting of more than 35 gratitudinous poems written from the heart. The name โ€œLumbaโ€ is of Zambian (Southern African) origin and denotes thankfulness and praise.

The poems are almost symbiotic, with each being connected to at least one other, yet still having its own message, rythm, and flow

The book may also be considered a multimedia art book as it contains:

  • Over 35 “Lumba” or gratitudinous poems
  • 18 coloring pages, each depicting intricate art illustrations that prompt deep reflection, and inspire creativity

Excerpt from LUMBA POETRY: Waves of Change by Barbara Flett:

โ€œFrom the moment

We are born in this world

BELIEFS are things

That shape our way

Good or Bad, Right or Wrong

They canโ€™t tell

The thoughts are formed and shaped

And inhabit what we concentrate on

We must trust

To find the truth

If the thoughts are not kind

They are most likely false…โ€

Weight 111 g
Dimensions 8 × 5.25 × 0.20 in


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