Refuge in Praise: A New Name by Martina Keast has the following.
Track Listing:
1. Can you hear Him Lyle Richer ©2009 by the author
Invitation to Listen
2. Found By You Lyle Richer ©2007 by the author
Listener Response
3. Glorificamus Tel Lianna Klassen ©2011 Dawntreader Productions
Giving Glory and Thanksgiving
4. The Old Rugged Cross orig.1913 George Bernard (Public Domain)
Arrangement by Lianna Klassen ©2011 Dawntreader Productions
Realization that Jesus died
5. Hungry Kathryn Scott ©1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)
Falling on my knees to pray
6. I’d Rather Have Jesus orig. 1922 Rhea F. Miller (Public Domain)
7. Jesus, All For Jesus Jennifer Atkinson, Robin Mark ©1991
Authentic Publishing/EMI
8. Praise for the New Day P.D. Mercier, Marlis Krueger ©2009 by the authors
Gratitude for each blessing, great and small
9. I Need You To Hold Me Brenda LeFave ©1991 Mercy Publishing.
All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
10. Father Me Brian Doerksen, Paul Janz ©1994 Father’s House Publishing/
All That Janz/East Broadway Music. All rights reserved.
11. The Story Goes On … Lianna Klassen ©2011 Dawntreader Productions
For more information on Martina, visit