The Story of Eleanor



Eleanor Grylls/ Anger’s Life Journey

“We moved to Saskatoon with Grandma till the war was over and dad came home. Mom had one sister and one brother who joined the forces. Dad had one brother. It was a hard time for all wondering if and when they would be home again.”

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ELEANOR JEAN GRYLLS was born in Biggar, Saskatchewan in August of 1943. This book details her ancestry, family connections, childhood recollections, and all the ups and downs of her life journey. From her childhood in Cando, being ferried to school by a pony who knew the way, to her adult life raising three children while cleaning apartments and working as a cook, to her move to the lodge in Mayerthorpe where she lives with her husband Norman. This is The Story of Eleanor: Eleanor Grylls/Anger’s Life Journey, written in her own words.

“When I was born, World War II was on and they were calling for eligible men and women to join the forces. My dad was one of many to join. He joined the army and ended up in the Tank Core. That left mom at home with three little children to raise. She moved to the Brewster farm at Ruthilda and lived with
Grandma Brewster. Grandma eventually had to sell the farm so they rented a house in town (Ruthilda). When momโ€™s sister Inez came home from the Air Force, Grandma sent her and my mom to Saskatoon to buy a house. Momโ€™s brother Johnny was still at home but decided to go to Ontario to look for work.”




Weight 205 g
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .3 in


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