Parts of the Human Body (qaybaha jidhka)



Parts of the Human Body (qaybaha jidhka) by Abdirashid Hassan is another delightful book that not only teaches Somalian kids about the human body, but preserves the Somali language. Check out his other book Teach the Kids Fruit and Vegetables!

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Parts of the Human Body (qaybaha jidhka) by Abdirashid Hassan is another delightful book that not only teaches Somalian kids about the human body, but preserves the Somali language.

Lama odhan karo oo keliya waa Buugg Caruureed ee dadkii waaweynaa ayaad moodaa in uu Af-Soomaaligiiba u gooyey dadkii
qurbaha ku raagey kuwaasoo mararka qaar uu kuuba goโ€™ynayo erayda qaar marka aad eegto sawirada qaarkood wixii Af-Soomaali lagu odhan jirey taasoo keentey in aan Buuggan bilaabo haddii kale uu Af-Soomaaliguba lumayo. Markaa waa Buugg isugu dhafan Af-Soomaali iyo English.

One night I was reading my daughter a childrenโ€™s picture book and at the same time translating it in to Somali language. Some of the words I could not come up with in Somali language, so I made Teach the Kids Animals, Teach the Kids Fruits and Vegetables and then Parts of the Human Body.

Teach the Kids Fruits and Vegetables

Weight 73 g
Dimensions 5.75 × 6 × 0.1 in


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